
Showing posts from June, 2018


Indirect tax

Difference between Direct Tax and Indirect Tax: There are different implications of direct and indirect taxes on the country. However, both types of taxes are important for the government as taxes include the major part of revenue for the government. Key differences between Direct and Indirect Tax are: Direct tax is levied and paid for by individuals, Hindu undivided Families (HUF), firms, companies etc. whereas indirect tax is ultimately paid for by the end-consumer of goods and services. The burden of tax cannot be shifted in case of direct taxes while burden can be shifted for indirect taxes. Lack of administration in collection of direct taxes can make tax evasion possible, while indirect taxes cannot be evaded as the taxes are charged on goods and services. Direct tax can help in reducing inflation, whereas indirect tax may enhance inflation. Direct taxes have better allocative effects than indirect taxes as direct taxes put lesser burden over the collection of amoun


Entrepreneurial Development Programme EDP is a short form of entrepreneurial development programme. EDP may be defined as a programme designed to help the entrepreneur in strengthening and fulfilling his motive in acquiring skills, capabilities to promote and manage his enterprise more efficiently and effectively and thereby playing his entrepreneurial role more effectively  EDP is a systematic and organised programme which help in developing analytical ability, outlook, farsightedness etc and reforming entrepreneurial behavior , enhancing the motivation, knowledge and skill, assisting and developing his own venture successfully and above all gives confidence to face and solve variety of problems boldly and safely. ROLE OF EDP:   The role of entrepreneurial programme is increasing day by day and its is evident from the following:-   Enhancing organising and managerial abilities:-             EDP helps the entrepreneurs to enhance their organising and mana

Objectives of Auditing

Meaning and objectives of auditing The word audit is derived from the latin word "audire" which means to hear. according to Spicer and peglar auditing is defined as " such examination of the books, accounts and vouchers of a business as will enable the auditor to satisfy himself that the balance sheet is properly drawn up. so as to give a true and fair view of profit and loss for the financial period, according to the best of his information and the explanation given to him and as shown by the books and if not in what respect he is not satisfied". Objects of audit:-         " The statement on standard auditing practices: objectives and scope of audit of financial statements" of the Institute if Chartered Accountants of India specifies that the objectives of an audit is to express an opinion on financial statements. To give the opinion about the financial statements, the auditors examines the financial statements to satisfy himself about t