

Entrepreneurial Development Programme

EDP is a short form of entrepreneurial development programme. EDP may be defined as a programme designed to help the entrepreneur in strengthening and fulfilling his motive in acquiring skills, capabilities to promote and manage his enterprise more efficiently and effectively and thereby playing his entrepreneurial role more effectively 

EDP is a systematic and organised programme which help in developing analytical ability, outlook, farsightedness etc and reforming entrepreneurial behavior , enhancing the motivation, knowledge and skill, assisting and developing his own venture successfully and above all gives confidence to face and solve variety of problems boldly and safely.

The role of entrepreneurial programme is increasing day by day and its is evident from the following:-
  1.  Enhancing organising and managerial abilities:-
            EDP helps the entrepreneurs to enhance their organising and managerial capabilities to run their enterprise efficiently and successfully. This is done through organising educational, management training and orientation programme

      2. Enhancing Entrepreneurial Qualities:-

            EDP plays a vital role in enhancing the qualities of an entrepreneur such as analytical ability and farsightedness etc, so that he may be in a position to run his enterprise successfully. EDP help in development of these qualities through training, education experiments and orientation programmes.

      3. Harnessing local available resources:-

           Since abundant resources are available locally, proper exploitation of these resources will help to carve out a healthy base for sound economic and rapid industrialisation. The EDP's can help in harnessing these resources by training and educating the entrepreneurs. 

      4. Balanced regional development:-

          EDP's help in balanced regional development and reduces concentration of economic power in few hands only. It is done by establishing small and cottage industries in remote areas with little financial assistance and local technical know-how. Balanced regional development of India lies in the development of small and cottage industries.

      5. Assists in Establishing the enterprise:-

          EDP helps an entrepreneur in establishing his enterprise, It is done through various support services which provide funds, machinery and equipment, scarce raw material and infrastructural facilities such as land power etc through EDP's development programme.

      6. Defuses social tension:-

          EDP defuses social tension and unrest among youth by diverting the youth to self-employment careers as every young person feels frustrated of he doesn't get the requisite employment after his education hence EDP provides the necessary help in building there own career as entrepreneur.

      7. Helps in formulating projects:-

          EDP helps an entrepreneur in formulating project by providing the entrepreneur necessary technical guidance and support. EDP helps him in formulating viable project within his means. It gives them necessary information regarding infrastructural facilities, machinery and equipment, their sources of supply along with address. Information regarding other inputs such as raw materials, labour, land etc is also available.

     8. Strengthening and fulfilling motivation:-

         It is EDP's which builds motivation among young entrepreneurs through planned publicity of success stories of other successful entrepreneurs who are successful in setting up large sized and successful empires in and outside the country.

    9. Helps in searching and exploiting opportunities:- 

        Many entrepreneurial opportunities are in various fields whether it is electronic, medicine, communication, agriculture etc. Entrepreneurial opportunities have surfaced at rapid pace in all these and many other areas. Such opportunities however become more perceptible and profitable to entrepreneurs when exposed to latest developments in the respective fields either in terms of technology, use or style of living. It is EDP's that provides necessary information, guidance and assistance in the search and exploiting these opportunities.


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