
Essentials of Good Business Report

Every business report should have the following features:-

1. Clarity:-

          The business report should be entirely clear and completely understandable. This is possible if the author has clear purpose and thought in his mind. Only then report can be written in smooth flow of thought with clear facts and marshaled arguments. Also the language of the report should be simple. To bring clarity of expressions report should be presented logically in different paragraphs with suitable headings, demonstration with the purpose.

2. Consistency:-
           The business report should be consistent with the purpose of writing. The various stages in report writing like enquiry and collection of data and facts, their analysis and interpretation and recommendation should flow towards the main theme. It should deviate from the main theme to any other theme or direction.

3. User oriented:- 

            Report is basically meant for the reader, not for the writer himself. If the words symbols and sentences used in report is beyond the readers understanding then the purpose of the report will not be met. Therefore report should be adapted according to users communication ability.

4. Adaptability:-

           The format and contents of the report should be suitable to the person or group of persons who are going to use the report and the purpose for which it is required. A report can be adoptable if it is prepared and presented according to the needs of the different levels of management (top, middle and lower).

5. Precise and Accurate:-

           A report should be precise, accurate and specific. It can be just a bad reporting practice to supply too much information which over whelms the order; as too little which leaves him guessing. If report is quite long or detailed, then a synopsis should be prepared to cover all significant facts and conclusions.

6. Suitable Title:-

          A suitable title has to be provided to each report according to the nature of contents. It should also highlight upon its origin and the person for whom it is being prepared.

7. Timeliness:-

          A report should be prepared and presented within the stipulated time. If a report is received late, there is no meaning of preparing such report and no use for management. If the report is presented in time, necessary actions may be taken.

8. Interesting :-

         The business report should not only be informative but also interesting to the reader. If the readers interest is not aroused and retained he is likely to miss the parts of message regardless of his desire for its study. A report should look like commentary, not dead and dull record. For this purpose the report writer must master the way to make the report interesting for the reader.

9. Brevity:-

         The report should be made brief to save the readers time and to retain his attention. Unnecessary details, irrelevant facts and needless repetition of the same idea should be avoided. Idea should be expressed in few words and in logical sequence without sacrificing the clarity and completeness of the message.

10. Relevant:- 

         The report should be relevant for the users in making decisions or taking corrective actions. It should not be just post-mortem analysis for the sake of finding the causes, rather it should be futurist in its approach. It should be presented with relevant facts and findings which are useful to the readers.


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