
Forms Of Business Communication


Some of the popular forms of business communication are explained below:-
  • One way communication
        One way communication is characterized by absence of feedback from the receiver to sender. Here role of the sender and the receiver are isolated, not interdependent. The sender conveys the message and the receiver has to make out the meaning on his own as there is no scope for check back. For eg- the news reader reading news on television set radio etc
  • Two way communication
       Two way communication involves active feedback from the receiver to the sender to ensure that the receiver has understood the message in same sense and spirit that the sender intends to convey. The examples of two way communication are group discussion, face to face interviews etc.
  • Verbal Communication
       Verbal communication is a communication through spoken or written words. There are two types of verbal communication i.e oral and written. Oral communication may be face to face talks, telephonic talks, video conferencing etc. Written communication can take the form of letters, reports etc.
  • Non- Verbal communication
       Non- verbal communication means transmission of meaning other than oral or written words. This transmission can be through facial expression, body postures, eye contacts, clothing, etc. Unlike verbal communication which is conscious and deliberate, non-verbal communication is usually instinctive and spontaneous. Its has been found by a research that 65% of human communication is done through non-verbal communication.
  • Formal Communication
       Formal communication is communication structured on the basis of hierarchy authority and accountability. Departmental meetings, conferences, circulars, company news etc are examples of formal communication. This is designed to ensure uniformity in flow of information and to ensure accountability. This may be lateral, upward or downward. Lateral communication is a horizontal communication which means flow of information or message among colleagues. Upward communication is sending of message from subordinate to superior. Downward communication refers to the flow of information from superior to subordinates in the organizational hierarchy.
  • Informal Communication
      Informal communication takes place outside the formally prescribed and planned network or channel. It is spontaneous and off the records and beyond organizational hierarchy. It has no set rules and regulations and no particular direction. It is also called grapevine.
  • Intra-personal Communication
       Intrapersonal communication is internal dialogue occuring within the mind of an individual. It may be clear or confused, depending upon the individual's state of mind. If the individual's mind is in trouble and turmoil, the message will be unclear, vague and confused. On the other hand, if his mind is silent and still, the internal dialogue will become clear and perception of the individual will be more wide and broad. To convey a message in an effective way with desired effect, it is essential that intrapersonal communication should be clear.
  • Interpersonal Communication
       Interpersonal communication is communication among two or more persons. It is an important element of the organisation.
  • Group Communication
       Group communication is an extension of interpersonal communication. A group is an association of two or more persons who interact with each other in such a way that each influences the other it can be in formal or informal.
  • Public communication
      Public communication involves speech by one or more person to a large group of people at a time. This is one way communication as the speaker gives speech and the audience listens only.
  • Mass communication
      Mass communication is the extension of public communication. It is the process of communicating to the public at large through mass medias such as TV, internet, films etc. It plays a pivotal role in boosting the image of the business organisation and attracting customers. But it requires heavy investment.


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