
Barriers of Communication

Communication is complete and perfect when the receiver understands the message in the same sense and spirit as the communicator intends to convey. But practically it has been noticed that such perfect and complete communication doesn't take place because of certain obstacles or other factors known as the communication barrier.

The barriers of communication can be categorized as follows:

(A) Semantic Barriers:- This barrier is concerned with problems and obstructions in the process of encoding and decoding the message into words or other impressions. Some of the semantic barriers are discussed below-

  • Different language 
Employees at organisation have no common language. This is obvious barrier when their is no common vehicle to convey ideas and feelings. This problem is more acute in culturally diversified organanisation and multinationals.

  • Different context for words and symbols 
The meanings of words are not in the words they are in use. Words and symbols used have several meanings depending upon the context in which they are used. Unless the context of words and symbols used in known the receiver may misinterpret them because of his preconceived ideas.

  • Poor Vocabulary 
Poor vocabulary hinders the communicator to convey written or verbal message in right sense. The communicator should know the clear and precise meaning oh the used words and their appropriate replacement, if needed.

(B) Physical Barriers:- Some of the physical barriers are given below:

  • Noise 
Any disturbance or interference that reduces the clarity and effectiveness of communication is called noise. It may be physical or psychological, written or visual. Noise distracts the persons communicating and act as a barrier to communication.

  • Improper time 
Improper timing of communication also hinders the process of communication e.g an order at closing hour to execute an urgent work, may cause resentment in the employee who has to catch train for going back to his home.

  • Distance 
The distance between sender and receiver acts as a barrier in the communication process as the sender has to speak loudly to convey the message, similarly in import-export transaction because of distance of miles, communication may be ineffective if proper use of fax, telephone is not made.

  • Inadequate or overloaded information 
Inadequate information falls short to convey the message and overloaded information distracts the reader's attention and dilutes the theme of message. It is imperative that information should be adequate, neither less than demand , nor more than wanted. If this is not so, it fails to serve the purpose of communication.

(C) Organizational Barriers:-

  • Organizational rules and regulations 
Organizational rules and regulations, prescribing the different sub-matter along formal communication may restrict the flow of messages and act as hindrance in the communication process. Sometimes it happens that important messages are omitted or manipulated. Observance of rigid rules and regulations relating to communication, causes delay of message and discouragement to employees in conveying their creative and innovative ideas. On the other hand where such rules and regulations are flexible and communication is free, employees feel encouraged and motivated to come up with new ideas and opinion.

  • Non conducting of staff meetings 
To overcome the above barrier, certain organizational conduct staff meetings to know the grievances and suggestions of employees. In organizations where such meetings and conferences are missing, free flow of communication is interrupted and the communication gap between persons being ruled and the ruling widens

  • Wrong choice of channel 
There are many mediums and channels of communication available like face to face, oral communication, telephonic, e- mail and audio visual. Each channel is not ideal and perfect in every situation. So wrong choice of channel of communication can disrupt the communication process.

  • Hierarchical Relationship 
Hierarchical , formal boss- subordinate relationship in organizational structure also restricts the free flow of communication specially in upward direction. The greater the difference in hierarchical position, the greater is the communication gap between employees and executives.

(D) Psychological Barriers:- It arises from motives, emotions, social values etc. The various psychological barriers are given below:-

  • Selective Perceptions 
Our sensory receptors have their own limitations. As a result we perceive not the whole spectrum, but a few selective symbols based upon our needs, motives, experience, background etc.

  • Premature Evaluation 
It is human tendency that we try to evaluate quickly. We do not listen or read the whole, but try to infer from certain part of the message. The moment we try to evaluate we stop further message visible to our sensory receptors. As a result effective communication doesn't takes place.

  • Attitude of superiors 
The general attitude of the superior about communication, affects the flow of communication. If the superior are afraid of delegating authority and lack confidence in themselves as well as in their subordinates they will obviously try to conceal, color or filter the information.

  • Attitude of Subordinates 
The negative attitude of subordinates also affects the communication flow. Their inferiority complex, unwillingness to share information and fear of action are the obvious barrier 
to communication.

  • Poor listening 
Poor listening is one of the psychological barriers in the effective communication. Most of the people just hear, do not listen attentively. If they listen, they listen selectively taking the desired part and ignoring the undesired part of the message. They do not listen to what the other is saying, but what they want to listen.

  • Egocentric Behaviour 
Egocentric behaviour is diametrically opposed to transmission of understanding the most vital aspect of communication. The self centered persons think that their own ideas are more important and others are wrong. Such peoples are very bad listeners.

  • Emotions 
Positive emotions such as love, affection and compassion smoothen the flow of communication whereas negative emotions such as hatred, anger, anxiety etc obstract the communication process. Excited, nervous, frightened and perplexed individuals cannot think rationally and consequently transmit their negativity to others.


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